
Cobots: Collaboration For the Future

Over the last few years, there have been significant shifts in the manufacturing industry. There has been a steady increase in the need for skilled workers and high demand for productivity. Due to these changes, some companies have been exploring options using...

A cobot welding in a manufacturing environment.

Imperial Systems to Open New Filter Manufacturing Facility

Imperial Systems Inc has acquired a new facility formerly occupied by Reznor, a company that produced heating and cooling equipment.  The former Reznor manufacturing building will be used for Imperial Systems’ rapidly growing division, Imperial Filtration.  The...

Aerial photo of Imperial Systems' new filter manufacturing facility

Differential Pressure: The Beginner’s Guide

Differential pressure is an integral part of understanding how a dust collector is operating. System operators and maintenance technicians can use this information to create efficient maintenance plans for equipment and the proper operation of the system. This can...

a differential pressure gauge mounted on an industrial dust collector to monitor filter resistance