GOOD LUCK WITH THAT – New Beginnings

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT – New Beginnings

Image link to Good Luck With That "New Beginnings" Article

I began my professional journey in 1970, and over the past 48 years I’ve seen some changes. I’ve worked for three different companies over that time and have moved around a lot. I grew up in the Pittsburgh area. Right out of high school I began working for a century old, global company that was headquartered in Pittsburgh. They had several fabrication plants around the US and sales offices in England, Italy, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, and Brazil. I thought I struck gold to work for such a large, well established company. But when they hired me they had a different plan for me. They sent me to their relatively small, Air Systems Division, located in Cincinnati, Ohio. My first “New Beginning” uprooted me from my family, friends, and everything familiar, and moved me 300 miles away. This was a daunting experience for a 19-year-old. But my first employer was very good to me. They must have seen some potential because they encouraged me to continue my education under their tuition reimbursement program. So, I enrolled at the University of Cincinnati and eventually earned a B.S. degree (that’s Bachelor of Science, not the other BS). I spent most of my time with my first employer in Cincinnati, but moved back to Pittsburgh to work a few years for them there before moving again back to the Cincinnati plant. Unfortunately, even the largest and oldest companies can fail. After 9 ½, years I was let go along with many other employees company wide. Today, even though I see their building products everywhere, the company name has become almost nonexistent and their manufacturing plants have all been sold, shut down, or demolished. Today the trade name is owned by some Pacific Rim entity and that is about all that remains of them.

In 1981, I had another “New Beginning” with a Cincinnati based family owned company. I  decided that a family owned business offered more security which was the most important aspect to me at the time. I now had a wife and two small daughters to support. My second employer was also good to me. They continued paying my college tuition until I graduated. If I got A’s, they paid 100% of all my college related expenses. That may be the main reason I have a special gold seal on my diploma that is embossed Summa Cum Laude. My second employer was also a very large company with manufacturing plants in 6 different states. They had annual sales in excess 100 million dollars, and at one time they were ranked the 3rd largest specialty sheet metal contactor in the United States. Everything was going great. I was taken out of engineering and promoted into engineering sales. I was placed under the guidance of a senior sales engineer and began making sales calls with him. As that was happening I didn’t realize I was being trained as his replacement. That gentleman retired a short time later and I was thrust into the world of engineering sales and yet another “New Beginning”. My second employer believed in moving us a lot by playing musical offices every few years. I believe they thought moving us around made us more productive. I was moved from offices on the first floor, to the basement, back to the first floor, up to the second floor, and so on. I worked for them for 29 years, so we moved around a lot. Alas, even large family owned companies have major changes. They were a third-generation company and over 100 years old.  It was never destined to see a 4th generation of ownership, and the family sold the company to a publicly traded corporation. The change was not immediately apparent, but I soon came to realize I was not going to like working for a company listed on the stock exchange again. The “family feel” was gone and making money for the stock holders became the driving goal of the company. Since the family no longer owned the company, all my loyalties I felt were gone.

I again relocated 300 miles back to Pennsylvania, not too far from my birth place of Pittsburgh, and I found a home with Imperial.

My last “New Beginning” began in 2010. I was out on a sales call, and when I returned to the office our receptionist handed me a phone memo that said Jeremiah Wong, of Imperial Systems, wanted me to return his call. I didn’t know any Amish-Oriental guys with an Asian trading company, so I called to see what he wanted. I found out that “Jeremiah Wann” was not Amish, or Oriental, and he had an offer for me. He wanted me to work for him. At first, I was skeptical. After all, I was now 59 years old and contemplating early retirement. Things were not going in      any direction I cared for with my second employer. And there were my two daughters to consider. Although they were now grown young women and both employed, they still lived with me. But Jeremiah assured me my age was not an issue, and my daughters encouraged me to go for it. So, I took the next step. I pulled a Dunn and Bradstreet report on Imperial Systems. I found them to be a small, family owned business with a good credit rating. They paid their bills. That was important to me. I agreed to meet with Jeremiah to discuss details. Shortly after that, we came to an agreement. I again relocated 300 miles back to Pennsylvania, not too far from my birth city of Pittsburgh, and I found a home with Imperial. We are a small but growing company. Much different from the previous two larger companies I’ve worked for. Over my short seven years with Imperial Systems, I’ve seen two plant expansions. Our newest “New Beginning” is the beautiful new fabrication complex we moved into in January 2018. We now have better manufacturing capabilities and lots of space for expansion. We needed it.  We are growing fast. I just turned 66 and obviously no longer contemplating early retirement. I’m thinking about hanging around for a few more years. A family will do that to you. But if you think I’m ready for any more “New Beginnings”, well good luck with that!


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Imperial University and 2018 National Sales Meeting

Imperial University and 2018 National Sales Meeting

This year, we hosted our National Sales Meeting and the first Imperial University. This was an opportunity for some of our representatives and dealers to come see our new facility, learn from the experts, and get a hands-on experience with our equipment. We were joined by more than thirty people, including reps from as far away as southern California. Despite a snow storm putting the schedule on a slight delay, everything went extremely well.

With the showroom and meeting rooms serving as classrooms, our guests enjoyed lots of treats while they received an education in a variety of subjects. The day started out with a presentation by Jeremiah on the history and growth of the company, then moved on to highlight the CMAXX. The CMAXX’s superiority to other collectors was discussed, including its function as an in-line deflagration arrestor (IDA). Since many of our reps have left competitors to come and work with us, many of them are familiar with the competition’s weaknesses. Jeremiah highlighted the CMAXX’s strengths as a product and our strength as a company.

Jeremiah Teaching about the CMAXX

The morning also featured a presentation by representatives from Fike, experts in fire protection and suppression systems. This covered the various NFPA codes that apply to combustible dust. It also covered may of the types of protective and preventative features that may be part of a dust collection system. NFPA provides the most detailed and important guidelines for combustible dust safety, so NFPA recommendations are very important to everyone who works in this field.

After a delicious lunch, all of our guests enjoyed a tour of the new plant, getting to see our products all the way from cutting and welding to the finished product. The flow of our shop allows things to get built easier and faster. The new powder coating line has our finished products looking amazing, and our visitors got a chance to get hands-on with our demo CMAXX unit.

We then split into small groups for some more specialized classes. Mitch provided an education on our BRFs, including the new medium pressure baghouse and how it works. Patrick discussed the use of our abort gates, EIVs, and airlocks. Justin presented information about our Spark Trap, DeltaMAXX filters, and he also demonstrated the use of our new quote tool. Charlie gave us all a college-level course in the mathematics and design of ductwork.

Feedback from the event was excellent. We’re very proud that we were able to treat everyone to an enjoyable and educational event, and it was much more than just a sales meeting. Many of us got to meet each other face to face for the first time, and many people got to see our new facility for the first time.

We’d like to thank everyone who was able to attend, participate, ask questions, and help make this a very special event for our company. We hope all participants had a good time and learned some valuable information that will help them as they move forward representing Imperial Systems products. We can’t wait to see everyone again next year.

Classroom of students learning duct design

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Imperial Systems in the Grain Dust Industry: GEAPS Show

Imperial Systems in the Grain Dust Industry: GEAPS Show

Elevated view of the exhibitor booths at the 2018 GEAPS trade show

A team from Imperial Systems recently spent three days in Denver at the annual GEAPS show (Grain Elevator & Processing Society). GEAPS is “the knowledge resource for the grain industry”. Imperial Systems had a booth at the show to talk about our BRF baghouses, spot filters, and other options for grain industry dust control. Jeremiah and Mitch had a good time at the show, joined by Tommy Eastlack from Glacier Technology. They even got to appreciate some of the Colorado scenery.

Jeremiah and Mitch of Imperial Systems and Tommy Eastlack from Glacier Technology at GEAPS show

Spot Filters for Grain Dust

As usual, the GEAPS show featured many types of equipment used in the grain industry. This included elevators, conveyors, screeners, and separators. All of these types of equipment are opportunities for combustible grain dust to become a hazard. Spot filters are an excellent choice for grain dust applications because they can be located anywhere along the process line, including above elevators, conveyors, hoppers, and blenders. Spot filters offer CMAXX efficiency exactly where it’s needed. This is important because grain industry applications often have multiple areas across the facility that need dust collection. Spot filters are a solution for controlling piles of dust that so often form around train moving or mixing equipment.

Wide view of exhibitor floor at the 2018 GEAPS Show in Denver

High Volume Dust Collection with Fire and Explosion Prevention Options

When a large collector is needed, a BRF baghouse or a CMAXX may be used, depending on the application. At this GEAPS show, Jeremiah and Mitch provided information to many potential customers and vendors about our products. Fire and explosion prevention and control are also major issues for dust collection in the grain industry, so they also offered information about our products such as abort gates, EIVs, chemical fire suppression, and other options. A representative from Fike was also at the show. They highlighted the importance of a strong fire safety program for all-grain applications.

From GEAPS to Rocky Leaps

During their time in Denver, Jeremiah and Mitch also took the opportunity to do some site seeing. They visited Table Mountain in Golden, Colorado, and the aptly named “Garden of the Gods” park in Colorado Springs. One of the special things about trade shows like GEAPS is getting to visit new places. Such was last year’s Fabtech trip to Mexico. Next year the GEAPS show will be in New Orleans.  We expect that along with a successful trade show, there will also be some extracurricular adventures.


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