Dust and Fume Filtration Advisor

Aug 24, 2016

Dust and Fume Filtration: How to Wreck Your Collector Filters in 5 Easy Steps

We obviously don’t want your dust and fume filtration system to stop working, but these five practices are the best ways to make sure your filters don’t last.

dust and fume filtration

1. Clean Them

Cleaning your filters is one good way to ruin them. Cleaning filters with enough force to get the embedded dust out will often leave you with a bigger problem. That’s filters with holes in them, though they may be too small to see. But a fluorescent powder test will reveal the leaks where dust is getting through. Getting your filters cleaned is not the money-saving measure that it may seem. That’s because you’re basically paying someone to damage your filters.

2. Only Replace Some of Them

You may notice damage in one filter, but the others are okay. Why not just replace the damaged one? Your clean new filter will have less resistance than the others. As a result, it will get much more airflow and end up with a very short lifespan. If you want to see how quickly you can completely ruin a filter, this is a good way to find out. On a similar note, it’s not a good idea to put two different types or brands of filters in the same collector at the same time, since they may not have the same surface area or airflow. Efficient dust and fume filtration relies on an even balance of these factors among other things.

3. Use the Wrong Material

There are lots of different kinds of dust and fume. Some dust particles are much smaller than others. Some types of dust clump and stick together. Other types are rough and have jagged edges, and some applications give you dust that is damp, or that has oily materials mixed into it. Whether it’s a nanofiber filter designed to capture very small particles or a filter with an oleophobic coating that won’t get clogged up by oily or greasy dust, the right filter will last longer, and the wrong filter will end up damaged or unable to function.

4. Beat Them Up

Cartridge filters are made to handle dust, not physical abuse. If you want to wreck your filters, handling them roughly or storing them incorrectly (such as stacking them on top of each other) is a good way to do it. The basic media of all cartridge filters is cellulose, which is the same material as paper or cardboard, so treat them accordingly. If you’re nice to them while storing and handling them, they are more likely to provide proper dust and fume filtration when you install them in your collector.

5. Set Them on Fire

Seems pretty obvious, but it happens more often than you’d think. Dust, including everything from aluminum to corn, can be very flammable. A fire in your dust collector is the fastest way to wreck your filters (and possibly a lot of other things). Fortunately, there are measures you can take to help prevent this from happening. A properly designed dust collection system will help prevent fires and will control and safely vent a fire if one should occur.

Dust and Fume Filtration Expertise

Imperial Systems is a huge advocate of employee safety and health in the workplace.  This is why we are in business.  Have questions about your current dust and fume filtration system?  Contact our knowledgeable and experienced team today to help with any concerns you may have. Contact us today!