CMAXX Cleans Up for High School Woodworking Program

Oct 2, 2019

We love working with trade schools and programs. We want to support young people as they discover a future in skilled trades. So, with many schools losing their vocational programs, we’re pleased to feature one high school woodworking program that’s making an investment in its future.

This particular school needed a dust collection system that could handle several different kinds of woodworking equipment at once. They also needed it to give them good filter life and strong fire and explosion protection. To fit all those things in a small footprint, a CMAXX dust collector turned out to be the right solution.

CMAXX dust collector protects students in high school woodworking program.This twelve cartridge CMAXX, sold through one of our representatives, features all the technology needed for safety and efficiency. This CMAXX acts as an in-line deflagration arrestor (IDA), meaning that it will stop a flame front from getting through. Explosion venting allows explosive force inside the collector to vent away safely from the building and people.

A Grecon spark detection and suppression system spots a spark in the ductwork and extinguishes it before it can cause a fire. An abort gate is also triggered by a spark or flame and will slam shut, diverting the fire in a safe direction.

Along with these fire safety features, the system includes an explosion isolation valve (EIV). An explosion automatically forces this device to close, stopping the explosion from traveling back into the building.

The filters used in this CMAXX are IDA nanofiber filters. The IDA filters allow the CMAXX to act as an in-line deflagration arrestor. They resist damage from a flame front and block it from passing onward. The nanofiber material will trap even the finest woodworking dust.

Tailored System for High School Woodworking Dust

Because woodworking dust applications may have different particle sizes, these filters also have overbags. These bags cover the filters and protect them from larger particles or abrasive material. This should give the school improved filter life and help save them money.

This system doesn’t have airlocks, because it doesn’t need them. Instead, it has two Rhino Drums. These drums replace an airlock by containing a fire, keeping it from traveling up into the collector. The Rhino Drum is grounded, has no motors or electrical wiring, and allows for easy drum emptying.

This CMAXX system also features a silencer to help control noise volume. Solenoid heaters keep the solenoids functioning in below-freezing temperatures. An integrated control panel is a handy feature that allows management of almost all the functions of the system to be from one control panel.

With the students back to their high school woodworking shop projects, they’ll have a fully equipped CMAXX system protecting them from any wood dust hazards.